

皮革滋潤乳霜 Delicate Cream Leather Care Delicate Cream




Capacity: 50ml. 

Ingredients: Wax, Solvent 

Origin: Spain 

Applicable Material: Suitable for special materials such as glossy patent leather, fine leather and reptile leather (such as snake skin, crocodile leather )

SKU: 羊皮漆皮保養亮光乳 Delicate Cream Categories: , ,


・有效清潔漆皮亮皮材質的手紋、殘膠、污漬,可防止靜電效應,並且清潔後能恢復.  原有光澤。



2.以白色乾淨布沾取適量皮革滋潤膏均勻 (打圈) 塗抹在皮革表面,靜置乾燥後即可。



  1. 使用前,請先在皮革製品不明顯的地方上試驗是否適用。
  2. 放置在避免讓兒童接觸到的地方。
  3. 如有產品使用上問題歡迎來電洽詢。
  4. 如不慎接觸到眼睛,請立即沖水並馬上就醫。
  5. 本產品不可食用,並置於兒童無法拿取之處及陰涼處保存。



Very mild and aromatic cleaning gel, suitable for fine leather, patent leather and reptile leather. 
・Effectively clean hand prints, adhesive residue or stains of bright and shiny patent leather material. It also helps to prevent electrostatic charge and restore original lustre after cleaning.
A leather care oil that is soft and jelly-like from Europe. 
Giving moisture, lustre and softness to prolong the life of  leather goods. 
Enhance and maintain the natural hand feel and texture of leather goods. 
It is non-sticky and brings out the natural odour of the leather. 
penetrate deeply the leather to prevent drying and cracking for prolonged use
Formulated in Lanolin and maintain the softness of leather. 
Colourless leather oil for any coloured leather.


How to use:
Use horsehair brush to clear the dust in the surface. Ensure to remove gravel as it might cause scratching of the leather during the wiping action.
Use a clean white cloth dampened with a uniform amount leather moisturizing cream, apply gently in a circular motioned on the surface of the leather. Allow it to dry.



  1. Test in a small, inconspicuous area first
  2. If you have any questions about the use of the product, please call us.
  3. If you accidentally come into contact with your eyes, please rinse immediately and seek medical attention immediately.
  4. This product is not edible and should be stored in a cool place where children cannot reach it.


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